martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Lesson 21&22

Hello Kids Sorry I posted until Monday, I've been quite busy but here's this week activities.
We'll try to reinforce Saturday's class, ok? Good luck!

Task 1 
Let's do some reading. Go to the Grand Canyon link and answer the questions.
SCREENSHOT your evidence, do not copy and paste it.

Task 2 
Go to this Present Perfect or Past Simple PDF link and download the PDF, answer the questions and hand it in on Saturday :)

Task 3
Download this PP and PS PDF and hand it in on Class!

Task 4
Watch these videos and practice vocabulary from class, comment below 3 of these activities you would like to do and answer the questions in your notebooks!

This Video is AWESOME!
1What are they doing?
2Do you think they are taking risks? Why?

3What are they doing?
4What kind of cave is this?
5When did the stalagmites form?

It seems super easy, huh? 
6What is she allergic to?
7With what did she dilute the paint?
8Have you ever dyed your hair?
9What do you think?
10Would you ride a motorcycle? Give reasons!

 I know this video is kind of wierd but it's the only one I found.

11What landmark did Thomas pass by?
12What happened to Thomas for going out without permission?
13Have you ever gone out without permission? Explain


 The landscapes of this video are just unbelievable!
14Why does he do this extreme sport?
15What do you think about rock climbing?
16Would you ever do it?
17Say what you liked most of the video.


18What are these people doing?
19Who famous celebrity appears on the video?
20What's your opinion on music festivals?
21In which city did this festival take place?


22What are the babies doing?
23Have you ever tried new foods?
24 What happened? 

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

Review! We have a test on Saturday!

Hi kids,
This week we have the first test, Unit 5, lesson 17-20. I found different easy activities to help you study.

Fisrt, I found this Image for you, present, past and participle verbs! Study it. It's for helping you remember the verbs.

Task 1
Do you remember when do we use do and make? Let's see how much you remember!
Make or Do?
Screenshot the evidence

Task 2

I have the cutest matching game here. Go to the link, click "play this game" and see How long has the baby? 
It's like the funniest thing ever! Screenshot how many coins did you get!

Task 3
This is a different matching game. It's fun too:  Baby :)
Screetshot your evidence

Task 4
Practice Since of For
Screetshot your evidence

Don't forget to go to the next post and visit Miss Gonzalez Blog 8 A Blog

Questions using present perfect

Hi kids,

This saturday we continued learning about present perfect, but using QUESTIONS!

As yoy guys clearly remember we studied two types of questions:
1. Have you Yes/No questions
2. How long has/have questions

Here's the homework to keep practicing these questions:

Task 1
Look at this video and in your notebooks write down the missing past partciples. 

Task 2 
Have you ever watch Deal or No deal? Or in the Mexican version Vas o no Vas con Boletazo? 

Here I leave you a link in which you will play Grade or No Grade 
It has the same dinamic that vas o no vas con boletazo. You will try to find the best score in the envelopes: A*
Don't forget to screenshot your evidence 

Task 3 
Do you like golf? Have you ever played golf? If you never have, I have a way you can begin to.  This game practices questions using how long
Click this link How many holes?

So, how many holes did you make? 
Screenshot your evidence 

Task 4 
Workbook Unit 5 must be completed for class.

Task 5 
Mini review lesson 19&20 and review Unit 5 Students' book

See you on Saturday and Study!